HinduLit - A podcast on Indian literature including legends, mythologies, and history.

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Episode 9 - Aruni Of Panchala

Tuesday Sep 29, 2020

Tuesday Sep 29, 2020

This episodes story is about Aruni of Panchala, a disciple of a sage named Dhoumya. This tale is about a devoted student and offers us some lessons on guru-student relationship, morality and ethic and choices we may face in life.

Tuesday Sep 22, 2020

This episode's story is that of the young Hanuman, a part ape, part human like creature who is worshiped as a deity in India. He is a devotee of Rama and serves Rama during his life time in the Thretha Yuga, the second epoch in the Hindu timeline. 

Wednesday Sep 09, 2020

This episode is a discussion of event or concepts from episode 1 through 6 in the form of Q & A. Were women's rights respected in Swayamwara? Is Shiva still worthy of respect after killing Ganesha? and more such topics.

Tuesday Sep 01, 2020

Today's story is on Rukmini's marriage to Krishna. Rukmini was the princess of kingdom of Vidarbha and said to be incarnation of Lakshmi, Vishnu's wife on earth. Their marriage is a tale of love, duty and chivalry.

Episode 5 - Bhasmasura

Tuesday Sep 01, 2020

Tuesday Sep 01, 2020

This episode about the Rakshasa Bhasmasura. This rakshasa, curries the favor of Lord Shiva to receive a boon that would allow him to destroy anything he placed his hand on.

Wednesday Aug 26, 2020

This episode is a story from Indian mythology about King Kakudmi of Kushasthali and his daughter Revati who marries Balarama. This tale is said to be the OLDEST known piece of literature where we come across TIME TRAVEL and Time Dilation. 

Episode 4 - Kurma Avatar

Wednesday Aug 19, 2020

Wednesday Aug 19, 2020

This episode about Lord Vishnu's Kurma avatar. Kurma avatar, where Kurma stands for tortoise, is one of the dasha-avatar of Vishnu, or the ten principal avatars of Vishnu. Dasha means ten, therefore dasha-avatar means ten avatars.

Monday Aug 17, 2020

The episode is a continuation of the story of Ganesha Chathurthi, a festival that celebrates the Hindu god Ganesha. We talk about the curse on the moon and an adventure that the avatar Krishna faces due to this curse around the Syamantaka jewel.

Monday Aug 17, 2020

This episode is a two-part story on the half-man half elephant god named Ganesha. We discuss his birth, his battle with Shiva, and briefly, the festival called Ganesh Chathurthi that Indian's across the world celebrate in honor of the elephant god.

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